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Avoid Injuries from Fall Yard Work

Written By Breen Chiropractic Clinic, PC on November 8, 2021

Yard Work Injuries Breen Chiropractic Clinic, PC

It’s finally fall, and that means sweater weather, hay rides, and pumpkin spice. However, the season also comes with its own set of outdoor chores like raking leaves, clearing gutters, and harvesting your garden. Without proper physical preparation, these tasks can cause serious injuries and require medical treatment. Try these tips from Breen Chiropractic Clinic PC in Manassas, VA to minimize your chances of getting hurt while you equip your yard for the winter. 


There’s a reason professional athletes warm up before every game or match. Engaging in physical activity without stretching is a surefire way to strained and sore muscles. Before you grab a rake, take a few minutes to stretch your legs, hips, back, and shoulders. Pay special attention to any areas that you have previously injured and the sections of your body that you will be using the most. For example, if you’re going to do an hour of weeding, be sure to stretch your shoulders and arms. 

Use Proper Lifting Techniques

Back injuries are often caused by improper lifting and movement. If you need to lift a heavy object or lean over, make sure you keep your back straight and bend from the knees. Avoid hunching over or arching your back. If you think you may have trouble completing a certain task without injury, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s not worth the potential chronic pain. 

Stay Hydrated

There are countless benefits that come from staying hydrated, and one of them is a decreased risk of injury. Dehydrated muscles can cause tightness and spasms. Both of these factors can increase your risk of pulling a muscle. Aim to drink 8 full glasses of water per day, and adjust as needed. Be sure to drink water while you’re doing yard work as well.  

Take a Break

Fall yard work can be quite strenuous. Listen to your body and don’t be afraid to take a break if you get tired. Many patients wind up injuring themselves when they push their bodies past what they can handle. Even resting for just a few minutes can decrease your chance of injury. 

If you’ve suffered an injury from fall yard work, you can rely on our expert staff at Breen Chiropractic Clinic PC in Manassas to put you on the road to recovery.

To schedule an appointment, call (703) 368-4040 or send us a message here.

Posted In: Chiropractic Wellness