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How to Improve Workplace Ergonomics to Maintain Optimal Health and Energy

Written By Breen Chiropractic Clinic, PC on February 22, 2021

Improve Workplace ErgonomicsDo you want to work more efficiently while prioritizing your health at the same time? If so, understanding workplace ergonomics can help you maintain this goal. 

3 Ways to Improve Workplace Ergonomics

Whether you’re working at an office or home, you can obtain optimal health and energy at work by keeping the following three ergonomic tips in mind.

1. Reducing Excessive Force and Motion

At work, you may be required to carry heavy loads or do activities that require a lot of force. The excessive force increases your fatigue, and the strain can make you less efficient in other areas of your work. To alleviate this problem, you should try to use mechanical assistance and powered equipment as often as possible.

Even if your job doesn’t require a lot of lifting or you’re working from home, you may still be losing efficiency through excessive motions. If possible, you should reduce any unnecessary repetitive motions or make sure you take frequent breaks between tasks to minimize the stress on your body.

2. Focusing on Your Posture

As difficult as it may seem, keeping your posture neutral and properly aligned is vital whether you’re standing or sitting. When you keep your posture balanced, the stress on your body is minimized. If you don’t take care of your posture, your muscles will face more strain than necessary and your work efficiency will suffer. 

3. Allowing Movement

You should also make sure you’re allowing your body to move freely to increase your efficiency and stay healthy. If you work for a long time without taking the time to stretch and move around, you will likely suffer from fatigue caused by static load. 

Stretching at regular intervals during work can help:

  • Improve your flexibility
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Improve muscular balance and coordination

Using Chiropractic Care to Improve Workplace Health

For over 30 years, Dr. Robert Breen, D.C. has practiced chiropractic care to help his patients ease their health problems and live the pain-free life they deserve. At the Breen Chiropractic Clinic in Manassas, Dr. Breen uses therapeutic techniques to help you with your posture and to treat any musculoskeletal disorders that may have resulted from inefficient workplace ergonomics.

Contact Dr. Breen today to get started on your chiropractic treatment plan as soon as possible.

Posted In: Chiropractic Bad Posture Improve Workplace Ergonomics